Changing Tides Alaska Inc
Heidi Cox, ISSA Certified Elite Personal Trainer

Meet Heidi - and Reviews!

"I wholeheartedly endorse Heidi Cox as an extremely talented, and superbly educated, expert in personal fitness and coaching. She has a deep understanding of how the body works, and the real mechanics of facilitating personal, positive lifestyle changes. Those traits alone would make her a good investment. She is also a very effective communicator, demonstrates terrific integrity and is super positive. The way she approaches her work dovetails in perfectly with the best practices and principles of functional medicine. My patients achieve optimal health much more quickly, and with fewer unnecessary detours, with a top-notch trainer like Heidi. "

-Rob Downey MD IFMCP Seaworthy Functional Medicine, a department of South Peninsula Hospital.


“Thanks to the help of Heidi Cox, she is a nutrition coach and personal trainer. She does a consultation with you and I got to tell her what my needs and my concerns were and she started there. As far as meal plans she asked what I like and we built off that and cut back on some and incorporated others but something I was still in control over as I do not diet because if it's not a life style change I'm not going to stick with it. She incorporated vitamins as I never take any lol. She lives in Alaska and it was perfect because we planned our calls when it was convenient for me, we could Skype if we wanted face time and then she emailed me our conversation with her suggestions for the new week and what that pertained.

Heidi Cox is my cousin and she has always been there to answer questions but I did not know how knowledgeable she truly was until my body started changing and I needed more help then just working out I needed to educate myself about the food now days and how they are effecting me.

I hired her and I absolutely trust she can help you if your looking.”

“Let's get healthy WOOOOOHOOOOO!! Fat be GONE lol”   ~Megan White, Utah


"Heidi is a fantastic coach. I was a client until she had to move. Her workouts were always targeting and challenging. Her nutrition advice was on point. plus, she was awesome with putting up with my complaining. I miss her!!!!!"  ~Julie Holtke, Indiana


"Heidi is amazing! She’s real, she’s encouraging and she’s a kind soul with a witty sense of humor that fits right in to fitness and nutrition and meeting your goals. Heidi was my trainer a few years back when I decided at age 38 I wanted to compete in my first fitness competition. I could not have got on stage and placed in not one, but two different categories, without her coaching and support!!"  ~Kelly Huston, Alaska


"Let me share with you about Heidi Cox. I had started with a young 21/22 year old personal trainer that was not very encouraging and kinda made me feel bad about the way I did or didn’t do something and because of this I was ready to call it quits. Then the before I could quit, the gal quit and Heidi introduced herself and we talked and I told her I wasn’t sure about continuing on. We were getting ready to leave on vacation and she told me to think about this and we would touch base when I got home. 3 weeks later we did and I finished out the last 3 or so sessions from the other gal. I liked Heidi right off. She listened to me, encouraged me, acknowledged and accepted my no evenings away from my husband policy, and before I knew it we were working together and becoming fast friends. In the 2 or 3 years she worked with me, we laughed, cried, hugged and sweated. If she moved back to Wasilla tomorrow, I would be one of the first, if not the first, in line to start working out with her again. A loving, kind, compassionate, hardworking, encouraging personal trainer."   ~Rhonda Fischer, Alaska


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